How to create Application Icon (Appstore | Playstore)

To make Application Icons for both iOS and Android, use The advantage of is that after adding the base icon image, it generates the set of standard icons, and automatically downloads them to a ZIP file named: AppIcons. Extract the zip archive, it contains appstore.png: For Apple AppStore playstore.png: For Google playstore android/: A folder of standard Icons for Android Assets.xcassets: A folder of standard Icons for iOS

May 24, 2021 · 1 min · Aleem Isiaka

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May 15, 2021 · 1 min · Aleem Isiaka

Dockerized Node/Nginx, MongoDB, Redis app setup

Introduction Docker is an app development tool that eases the process of creating, running, and deploying applications. It uses the concept of containers which work just like a Virtual Machine does. While Docker runs more like a Virtual Machine does, it is more advantageous than a VM. It let us define OS-like images like we are writing an actual OS that includes the only tools that we need, aside this, Docker utilizes the concept of layers which makes its images very much extensible. With this little feature, developers, sysadmins and devops engineers prefer it more. And since it has been in existence, Docker has witnessed widespread usages making it one of the defacto tool for software development, testing and delivery. ...

March 19, 2020 · 12 min · Aleem Isiaka

SocketIO - App structure and architecture

Introduction SocketIO is a JavaScript library that makes developers’ lives easier when dealing with web socket and socket programming. This is the fact that SocketIO has abstracted out all the low-level and tedious steps that are associated with setting up a socket server and client; it has made the question of programmers be “How can I structure my application.” While I have done different types of socket implementations, I will walk us through a setup that has always work for me and has proven to be the best in cases that I have had to use SocketIO. ...

March 15, 2020 · 9 min · Aleem Isiaka

Asynchronous Javascript

In computation systems, names like concurrent, sequential, parallel, serial, synchronous, asynchronous, non-blocking, shared state, message passing, and likes, stand as a forbearer for the actual task that happens in a system. While all of the above techniques have their use cases, in the world of JavaScript, asynchronous and synchronous programming never leave the tongues of its programmers. In his Concurrency glossary, slikts ( wrote about asynchronous, he said: Asynchrony means “not happening at the same time”, and asynchronous message passing is a communication model that does not require the sending and receiving to be synchronized, meaning that the sender isn’t blocked until the receiver is ready. ...

March 3, 2020 · 12 min · Aleem Isiaka

Menu system in Node Apps like WordPress Menu

You might have been in this kind of trap before or currently in one, well, I just want to tell you that I know your pain. In a custom built CMS, managing of Menu and navigation in the site from the Admin Dashboard is a requirement. While it is interesting to use, it is not as interesting to build. I just walked past this process, here, I am sharing how I have conquered it. ...

January 25, 2020 · 13 min · Aleem Isiaka

ReactJS - Unexpected closing tag

Beginners in ReactJS often face this kind of error: It is not just with inputs, it is with all HTML elements that does not expect a closing tags, they are called empty elements. A list of these tags could be found here. To solve this very easily, we just have to follow the HTML semantics by ending all empty elements with /> instead of > So inputs should look like this: ...

January 25, 2020 · 1 min · Aleem Isiaka

ReactJS - Inplace Edit component

Last time, I was trying to render a data table and I thought that I should make some fields editable right in the table listing. It is interesting to note that I never thought about any NPM library for it, so I went all out to create a simple but effective solution for myself. In this post, I will demonstrate how I created an editable component. The component would be able to use different form fields and notify the parent if any change has been made. That said, Let’s move…. ...

January 20, 2020 · 7 min · Aleem Isiaka

AdonisJS - Event

Modern application development requires that some actions are carried out when a point of the application is reached. Tasks like confirmation email, invoice generation, logging and profiling are few of things that requires to be carried out in specific regions of application flow. These actions that are triggered are called Events. Events in modern application development make code execution after a web request to the server has been completed to be possible. ...

January 19, 2020 · 2 min · Aleem Isiaka

AdonisJS - Route Model Binding

AdonisJS was built for the NodeJS Artisans taking after the concepts of Laravel - The PHP framework for Artisans. AdonisJS did a great job porting these concepts into JavaScript, it maintains the namespace even though JavaScript does not support that, it using its own fast, easy and extendable view engine and many more, but some features of Laravel are not shipped with AdonisJS by default. The IoC container in Laravel auto injects classes by inspection when a recognized namespace is Type Hinted. This makes route model binding easier with Laravel. In JavaScript, there is little that can be done to achieve this, so, there is a need for a custom approach to this. ...

January 12, 2020 · 4 min · Aleem Isiaka