AdonisJS - Using Validators with resource routes

First, install the Validator using the adonis command: adonis install @adonisjs/validtor Create a resource route adonis make:controller PostController --resource Define the route in start/route.js //.. Route.resource("posts", "PostController") //.. Now, we can make a Validator for /posts/store adonis make:validator StorePost This will create a validator in /app/Validators. Finally, To define a validator for a specific route in the definition, do something like this: //.. Route.resource("posts", "PostController").validator([[["store", "StoreUser"]]]) //.. PSSS: I want this as short as it can while still answering question regarding the final code. 🥂 ...

January 10, 2020 · 1 min · Aleem Isiaka

Migrating from WordPress to Gatsby - The Journey

Yes, this topic is worth a post and I will walk you through why the migration was inevitable, and how I had done it. Formerly, this website used to run on WordPress, the great PHP CMS. The design was made with the aid of Typography theme, I loved it! All of the post prior to this date was written using the WordPress admin dashboard. I loved the Gutenberg Editor, it was so fluid and easy to work with. Overall my experience was great. ...

December 15, 2019 · 8 min · Aleem Isiaka

Programmer's Sexiness Quest

Let’s be guided, we are not getting naughty here. Nevertheless, a programmer is a human, he has his feelings and emotions which is interesting. The direction he puts these uniquely human traits makes him more interesting - towards the code and software, of course. I’ve been through a variety of programming languages, which always turned to be that the deeper I dive into a language, the more “aha” moment I get. I always feel like I have gotten what I wanted and have to look no further to attract the priceless attention of my fellows. ...

October 15, 2019 · 4 min · Aleem Isiaka

Complete NodeJS App Setup on an AWS Lightsail VPS

In this post, we will explore how to set up a NodeJS app on Amazon’s Lightsail instance. We will also explore setting up a CircleCI job for a NodeJS project, use Nginx as a web server, setup SSL for the server, and allow a local machine to access the remote server. Prerequisites AWS Lightsail instance AWS Route53 domain (not mandatory) CircleCI account Github repo for the NodeJS project. Let’s begin! ...

August 6, 2019 · 13 min · Aleem Isiaka

Clean Code – Rules For Name Crafting (Series)

The very first task that we do while starting to program is naming from the creation of directory to files, to classes, to functions. Name is everywhere, we cannot escape it, and we do so much of naming, we should be fulfilled if we can do it better. Beginners do marvel at how the seniors snap out great names that fit the context to be applied. How the names are crafted seem like magic, they end up seeing themselves not so close when they see that wack name their brain could best provide. ...

July 30, 2019 · 2 min · Aleem Isiaka

Clean Code – Brief Review

Currently, I find my self reading Clean Code by Robert Cecil Martin, and just completed the first three chapters. I am taking my time to digest the genius work of Robert, and I see it as a need to share what could be understood in just the first 50 pages of the book. To Robert, spending time to write the right code is an investment in the future maintenance time of that code. You can probably relate how a poorly written code has made you brainstorm for hours if not days before you could make that simple one-line change. ...

June 26, 2019 · 3 min · Aleem Isiaka

Running mongod service in the background – MAC OS

MongoDB ships with an easy mongod CLI command to start its server. For Linux users, there is an added level of flexibility using the Systemd service to manage foreground and background processes. To start a MongoDB server on the boot of a Linux machine, it is as easy as registering a service with systemd using: $ systemctl enable mongod.service Switching from a Linux machine to Mac, and after the successful installation of MongoDB, surely, there is a need to start the command in the background while the development process continues. ...

June 26, 2019 · 1 min · Aleem Isiaka

Frameworks - Not always the solution

Beginners do believe there is a perfect structure for setting up a project, experienced programmers know this is so far from the truth. A perfect structure is only perfect for a specific project, while project requirement varies across specifications, a perfect project setup varies across projects. Looking further down project specifications, there are repeating patterns and procedures that make all the projects look like they are all doing the same thing. Create Read Update Delete (CRUD) was invented for this purpose, many applications are doing at least one of CRUD action, a tour around would reveal the truth about this. ...

May 15, 2019 · 3 min · Aleem Isiaka

Rules For Name Crafting – Part One

This is the first of the series – Clean Code – Rule For Name Crafting Series. In this post, we will be dealing with the first three rules stated by Robert in his Clean Code book and they are: always use intention revealing names, avoid disinformation, and make meaningful distinctions. #1: Always Use Intention Revealing Names To some profession, giving names that do not reveal what the item/object is about might be a norm, we have seen astroids named Iris, and a human named Mars. Imagine that you are writing an Airport Flight Management System, what could client or customer mean generally in the app? These are names that could apply differently based on the context that they are being used. ...

May 15, 2019 · 5 min · Aleem Isiaka

Smart React Class function scope binding

Passing down functions as event handlers down to children components is a norm in the react world. It eases the communication flow, as the saying goes props down, functions up. Things get a little bit tricky when using a React Classical component. Functions have to maintain their scope for proper interaction with their declared class properties. You might not be lucky sometimes, so there has been a couple of workaround for this. ...

May 15, 2019 · 4 min · Aleem Isiaka