Time in Computer Systems

Time is a linear monotonically increasing value and to keep track of it, a system has to be powered to take note of every tick. For a microcomputer running an operating system that can go on and off, this means there is a need to constantly update time whenever the computer comes on. That is not the case because of some intelligent mechanisms that computer hardware and operating systems use to keep track of the current time. ...

July 25, 2024 · 4 min · Aleem Isiaka

Byte Masking the ins and out

Byte masking is a deep CS concept reserved for the nerds. Here we will attempt to dissect the topic and provide a relatable experience for everyone. Welcome… Masking and its Relation to CS Masking is a process of concealing information. Take for example having a string "A" but revealing “X” to others such that only those with the information on how to get the hidden value can retrieve it. A byte is a group of bits(1 and 0) usually eight in number. Such that 00000000 becomes a byte but the individual zeros are known as bits. ...

January 17, 2024 · 4 min · Aleem Isiaka

What is Byte Masking and how useful is it?

Part of the operators we get introduced to when learning to program is Bitwise Operators, examples are: The Bitwise OR | (a single pipe character) The Bitwise AND & (a single ampersand character) The Bitwise XOR ^ (a single caret character) Each of these has its usage, a refresher can be demonstrated considering these two variables foo=1 and bar=0 For the bitwise OR(|) operator const foo = 1, bar = 0 console.log(foo | bar) -> 1 For the bitwise AND(&) operator const foo = 1, bar = 0 console.log(foo & bar) -> 0 For the bitwise XOR(^) operator const foo = 1, bar = 0 console.log(foo & bar) -> 0 This seems pretty basic until you understand it is not. ...

September 18, 2023 · 8 min · Aleem Isiaka