ReactJS - Unexpected closing tag

Beginners in ReactJS often face this kind of error: It is not just with inputs, it is with all HTML elements that does not expect a closing tags, they are called empty elements. A list of these tags could be found here. To solve this very easily, we just have to follow the HTML semantics by ending all empty elements with /> instead of > So inputs should look like this:...

January 25, 2020 · 1 min · Aleem Isiaka

ReactJS - Inplace Edit component

Last time, I was trying to render a data table and I thought that I should make some fields editable right in the table listing. It is interesting to note that I never thought about any NPM library for it, so I went all out to create a simple but effective solution for myself. In this post, I will demonstrate how I created an editable component. The component would be able to use different form fields and notify the parent if any change has been made....

January 20, 2020 · 7 min · Aleem Isiaka